Late Stage: Cabin 1 - print, framed
Framed limited edition print of an original painting: Epson printer and inks: black frame with a white linen mat and black border decoration: frame size: 16 x 20" Image size: 10.25 x 13.5"
"Late Stage: Cabin 1" is a print of an original walnut ink, watercolor and gouache painting. This is the first in a series of works called "Late Stage" featuring a lone cabin in a seemingly dystopian or post-apocalyptic landscape. I have a black walnut tree in my back yard and a few years ago I started making walnut ink. I've also started looking into other natural materials that I can use in my work. We need to get back to nature, not destroy it.
This print is made using archival Epson Ultra Premium enhanced matte paper and inks on an Epson professional printer, from a digital photograph of the work processed and color corrected in PhotoShop.
The retail price of this framed print includes the print plus the cost of framing, and the cost of shipping and handling. Some frames are new/purchased at deep discount and/or repurposed/refurbished. This helps keep the total cost of framed works affordable. Some may have mild wear, but all frames are in excellent condition unless noted above.
The copyright of this work remains with the artist and does not transfer with the sale of the work. Images of any work on this site may not be duplicated, copied, downloaded or used in any other way without express permission by Mindi K. Bagnall and MKB Art Studio.